Heigo Ilves

“TÕRU ONN. PUUONNI PROJEKTEERIMINE MÄNNIKU METSATALLU” (juhendajad Priit-Kalev Parts, MSc; Jaak-Aadam Looveer, MA).

LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Onnid valmivad sageli justkui üleöö, uitmõttest alguse saanud ja käepärastest materjalidest sarad elustavad meie fantaasiaid. Ilvese individuaalse lähenemisega lõputöö võtab planeerituma pöörde esitades kolme tamme külge ehitatava onni arhitektuurse ideeprojekti.

Tammetõru kujuline väike ehitis on julge kaasaegse vormiga, see pingestab märgilise tähendusega taluõue ja võimaldab kasutajale lõõgastust. Diskusiooni loov lõputöö on võimalus arutleda puu otsa ehitatava onni keeruka tarindi, kasutamise ja hooldamise teemadel.

Lõputöös on tutvutud onnide ehitamise taustaga, kasutades maapiirkondades levinud looduslähendasi materjale. Täiendavat teavet saab keeruka maa ja taeva vahele paigutuva tarindi sõlmede lahendamise kohta. Välja on toodud arutelu elava puu minimaalse vigastamise kohta.

Joosep Metslang
rahvusliku ehituse lektor
TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia

LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: rahvusliku ehituse õppekava.



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SUMMARY: Estonian native construction can’t be compared with general constructions and this is why this paper at hand is important. This is because the results of native construction is individual and unique, but there is no emphasis on planning. Often, there is nothing to plan, because the masters idea goes straight in to work and during that they let their fantasy run wild, which makes the end result different from what once planned. The project is in the masters head and it’s constantly changing.

The goal of the paper at hand is to design a treehouse in Männiku Forrest Cottage so that it would fit well with the environment. The goal is also to use good practice and use a lot of native construction ways when designing and constructing the treehouse. There is also a big emphasis on
using natural materials. The subject is appropriate because I specialized in log building design.

The results of this paper is a competent architectural preliminary design, that is ready for applying a building permit. With that I have binded both designing and native construction.

As a result of the research there is now important information about designing treehouses and about the different ways of constructing.

In the first part of the paper I describe the idea and the methodology of the paper. I pointed out the main points from the examination to the last draft that is the base of the project and also not forgetting the course of the process.

In the second part I describe the essense of a treehouse, its ways of use, its properties and its basic design.

In the third part I give general pointers on how to build a treehouse, starting from choosing the right tree to the right fasteners.

In the last part I have created the primary points about cutting the trees conserning building a treehouse.

In the paper at hand I give an overview of the designing process and the final result. In the chapters and in the extras there are different recommendations about building on top of trees, different fasteners, branch trimming and architectural solutions.

My paper gives a starting material in constructing playgrounds and treehouses that have been inspired by native construction.