LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Eesti Interpreetide Liit (EIL) oma pea 15-aastase ajalooga on loomeliitude hulgas üks nooremaid. Algse kiire ja jõulise arengu tulemusel on arendatud nii klassikalist loomeliidu tegevust, kuid alates 2001. aastast ka kontserdikorraldust oma liikmetele. Just selle tegevuse koordinaatorina alustas Paula Toomel tööd 2010. aasta lõpust. On märgilise tähendusega, et tänapäeva loomemajanduse ja massikultuuri virvatuledest pimestatud ajal seob noor kultuurikorralduse spetsialist ennast akadeemilise filharmoonilise tegevusega ning teeb seda kirega, mida võiks eeskujuks seada vanematele kolleegidelegi.
Lõputöö annab hea ülevaate nii EILi senisest tegevusest, hetkeolukorrast kontserdikorralduses ning klassikaliste kammermuusika kontsertide korraldamisest Tallinnas. Autor on töö ja selles sisalduvate analüüside käigus jõudnud loogiliselt järeldusteni nii enda töö kui ka EILi kontserttegevuse paremaks korraldamiseks. Teeb rõõmu, et Paula Toomel on seadnud endale eesmärgid publiku kaasamisel, millised küll 2011. aastal jäid kättesaamatuks, kuid ka 10% publiku kasv tänases klassikalise kammermuusika valdkonnas on märkimisväärne tulemus. Oluline on, et EILi ja autori üheks töösuunaks on kvaliteetsete kammermuusika kontsertide viimine Tallinnast välja.
Paula Toomeli tööst on suur kasu EILi enda edasise kontserttegevuse (ja ka laiemalt organisatsiooni arendamise) planeerimiseks, kuid see on ka väärt lugemine neile, kes soovivad aimu saada akadeemilise kammermuusika kontserdikorralduse maailmast.
Marko Lõhmus
Tallinna Filharmoonia direktor
LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: kultuurikorralduse õppekava.
SUMMARY: Organising the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians 10th season concerts from October to December 2011
The Association of Estonian Professional Musicians (further on also mentioned as AEPM) is a non-governmental organisation functioning as an artistic association, which combines over 200 professional Estonian soloists, chamber musicians, orchestral players and conductors. AEPM is managed by a board, consisting of seven members. The board is elected for a period of two years. AEPM’s yearly budget of 2011 was 95 062,11 € (along with the scholarships 128 262,11 €. The scholarships are paid to the AEPM members with the purpose to conduce to creative activities. As those are paid directly from the Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation to the AEPM members, the amount is not shown in AEPM cash flow).
The aim of AEPM’s concert series is to create a platform for Estonian musicians to be able to perform demanding chamber music pieces in its classical environment. Through the aforenamed series, over 100 professional musicians are brought on stage during one season, which is one of the biggest numbers in its field. With this activity Association of Estonian Professional Musicians keeps up, evaluates and promotes the chamber music genre.
The concert series of the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians celebrates its tenth season. During those years, there have been many changes, whereas the latter of those took place in autumn 2011, when AEPM ended a nine-year partnership with Estonian Art Museum and began a collaboration with the Tallinn Philharmonic Society. With this act, the concert series began to take place in Tallinn old town, in the House of Blackheads, instead of the former Kadrioru Palace.
From October till December 2011 AEPM organised eleven concerts in the House of Blackheads and outside of Tallinn. The concerts claimed the attention of the Estonian media and were broadcasted fourteen times through different media channels. The goal to take the frequency of attendance up 25% failed and only lived up to 10%. The reason for that could be the radical change in the concert series name, location and design, which might have disoriented the audience. On the other hand, the reason could also be that the goal was set too high, without considering the cultural environment of this particular series.
I have learned a lot during my period of work in the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians and it has been a great honour to work with professionals of the field. Even though the concert series needs to be developed and there were some shortcomings in the organisational process, I am convinced that my work was done well. The positive feedback from AEPM managing board and the performers also supports the previous. I believe that AEPM’s concert series has the potential to be one of the leading ones in its field and I am glad to be given the opportunity to invest my time and ideas to serve that goal.