Triin Konrad

“JÄRVA VALLA NOORTEVOLIKOGU ASUTAMINE 2019-2020” (Juhendaja Lii Araste, kogukonnatöö assistent, MA)

LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Käesolev loovpraktiline lõputöö on Järva Vallavalitsuse jaoks suure tähendusega, eesmärk on asutada Järva valla noortevolikogu. Järva Vallavalitsus asutab Järva valla noortevolikogu selleks, et valla noored saaksid koostöös kohaliku omavalitsusega (edaspidi KOV) osaleda otsustusprotsessides. Kohalik omavalitsus leidis, et noorte võimestamiseks on kõige mõistlikum asutada noortevolikogu, mis annab noorele võimaluse esindada enda huve, rääkida kaasa valla noorsootöö korralduslikes küsimustes, tutvustada noortele demokraatia põhimõtteid, julgustada noorte kodanikualgatust ning kaasata noori vallaelu korraldamist puudutavatesse otsustusprotsessidesse (Järva valla noortevolikogu…2019, § 2).

Triin Konrad

Lõputöö autor

TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia

LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: Kogukonnaharidus ja huvitegevus


SUMMARY: “Establishment of Järva Municipality Youth Council 2019-2020”

In this dissertation, I reflect the establishment of the Järva municipality youth council, which is of unanimity, its necessity and goals. I describe the preparations and activities related to the establishment of the youth council. Preparatory activities began in February 2019. The whole process would have been completed by the middle of April this year if the Järva Parish Government had approved the first composition of the Järva Parish Youth Council. The establishment of the Järva municipality youth council began with a meeting with an ENL representative, after which a youth active group was established. I co-operated with the youth workers and hobby leaders of the municipality, and the young people of the student councils
were also involved. The statutes of the Järva rural municipality youth council were approved by the rural municipality council. Then I started organizing a youth participation café in Järva municipality, and after that we started organizing elections. But before we could start holding the elections, In March 16, 2020 the special situation in Estonia was announced, in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus, restrictions were imposed on the performance of activities in public space. Within the team, disagreements arose with the organization of eelections, so it was not implemented and the election process did not reach the final stage.

The experience of founding the youth council of Järva municipality has been informative, instructive and has given me a lot of new knowledge and skills. In the course of this process, I have been able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired at the Viljandi Academy of Culture, which contribute to the development of the field of youth work. Thanks to my studies, I have been able to explain the importance of involving young people to the local government and the youth of Järva municipality. In addition, I can plan my time and activities and select the necessary from unnecessary. At the end of the crisis, I feel more confident and ready to complete the work I have started, having an even better overview today of the importance of
youth involvement and its necessity.