“KÕLATEHNIKA OSKUSSÕNAVARA KORRASTAMINE JA ARENDAMINE” (juhendaja Ave Matsin, MA; konsultant Tuuli Rehemaa, MA).
LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Kuidas kirjutada kõlakirja nimetust harkis jalgadega surnud varesed? Mis juhtub kivrim’i ühepoolse variandiga jooksev koer, kui seda sümmeetriliselt või asümmeetriliselt peegeldades kahepoolse variandina kududa? Kuidas nimetada seda värki, kui pinnamustrisse tekivad linnukese moodi lõimelõnga keeruträpsud või ühtepidised säpsud nagu kõrvuti kaldjooned? Kuidas saaks teisiti öelda: „pista see sealt sinna teise vahelt läbi“?
Vastused on lihtsad: kõlakirja nimetused kirjutatakse nimetusemalli järgi ilma jutumärkideta ja läbiva väiketähega. Jooksvat koera sümmeetriliselt peegeldades saab oinasarved ja asümmetriliseks kõlakirjaks on viinapuuoks. Erisuunaline kõlapaar koob keerdu ja samasuunaline laikorda. Vaata lisa 3!
Nende ja teiste 75 kõlatehnika terminiga saab lähemat tutvust sobitada lõputöö mainitud lisas terminikaarte sirvides. Lugu sellest, kuidas kõik need sõnasõsarad sinna sattusid ja millist seni „sellega“ tähistatud mõistet nad piiritlevad, jutustab minu lõputöö „Kõlatehnika oskussõnavara korrastamine ja arendamine“. Koostöös käsitööteaduste terminite komisjoniga sai tehtud palju kõlavaid sõnu – nii suuri kui väikeseid.
Marja-Leena Jaanus, kõlataja
LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: rahvusliku tekstiili õppekava.
SUMMARY: “The arrangement and further development of the specialized vocabulary of tablet weaving”
Specialized vocabulary, particularly the terminology, plays an important role in the development of handicraft technology, primarily in teaching and studying the techniques as well as introducing them. The thesis “The arrangement and further development of the specialized vocabulary of tablet weaving” is development of the seminar paper “Tablet weaving vocabulary in contemporary Estonian” (Jaanus 2015).
The objective of this thesis is to introduce and analyze the process of determining, arranging, creating, developing and approving the terminology, and offering thereby an opportunity to develop specialized vocabulary. The model being formed can then also be used for developing other handicraft fields’ specialized vocabulary.
The practical objective of this thesis is to compose a register that determines the main concepts of tablet weaving as informational term cards (appendix 3) and to submit the proposals of the terms to the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research for approval. On the cards there are also terms to which I added the counterpart in a foreign language or dialects, however only if these appeared in the literature used. The objective of this thesis is not to compose a multilingual dictionary: the counterparts in foreign languages and dialects are submitted only to specify the origin or early development of the technical terms. Composing a multilingual specialized dictionary about tablet weaving could be the topic for the next research.
Research questions. What is specialized vocabulary? What are the possibilities of creating and developing it? Which linguistic terms are used when talking and writing about tablet weaving in Estonian? How to arrange the existing specialized vocabulary and which technical terms can be created on the basis of tablet weaving technology or in some other ways? How to endorse and introduce the new specialized vocabulary?
The thesis consists of six chapters and three appendixes. The first chapter provides an overview of writings and studies about tablet weaving, in particular of students’ works. In the second chapter I introduce the methodology I used for dealing with the tablet weaving vocabulary. The third chapter is referring from its nature – I introduce specialized vocabulary as terminology science, which guidelines assist in arranging and further developing the specialized language.
Since the vocabulary of tablet weaving is a part of specialized handicraft language as a sublanguage, the fourth chapter addresses the relationship between tablet weaving and handicraft as well as the structure of tablet weaving as a field of textile arts. I mark all the technical terms approved by the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research in italic exceptionally only in this chapter. The fifth chapter examines the differences between the specialized vocabulary and general language as well as the process of arranging and further developing the specialized language in general. The sixth chapter analyzes the results of arranging and further developing the specialized vocabulary of tablet weaving.
As the practical part of the thesis, register (appendix 2) of the linguistic terms of tablet weaving used in written sources, which I used as the source for arranging the terminology, was made, as well as informational term cards for proposing linguistic terms, which I presented to the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research, and supplemented the cards with the decisions of the committee (appendix 3).
Methodology. I find the ascertainment of the circumstance and mapping the terminology to be the prerequisite for arranging and further developing the specialized vocabulary. For that, I used both written and oral sources (see appendix 1). The linguistic terms of the specialized vocabulary from oral language are represented in the seminar paper (Jaanus 2015, pages 8-26) and the written ones in the appendix 2 of this thesis. Both registers of the linguistic terms are divided into narrower categories and presented in alphabetical order within the categories.
On the basis of both oral and written sources, I composed a register consisting of 75 linguistic terms and proposals for terms. Thereupon I created a term card for each of them with according information fields – term, definition, declination and conjugation forms, explanation, synonyms, counterparts in foreign languages and dialects, classification of handicraft technique or field, example sentences from oral sources, example sentences from written sources, remarks, the decision of the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research, a scheme or a photo – and filed the information about the terms accordingly. I presented the proposals for specialized terms to the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research who made a decision about each proposal in two meetings: one at the presence of the core staff and one with extended composition at the presence of specialty experts. References to dates (29.04.16) and (13.05.16) mark the meetings of the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research where the according part of text was verbalized.
By studying both oral and written sources of specialized language, the research showed that the terminology of tablet weaving is in a poor condition. To arrange the specialized vocabulary, I determined which linguistic terms are being used to talk and write about tablet weaving; divided them into categories, and chose the ones suitable for developing the specialized vocabulary.
Developing the terminology is a process of cooperation which ran productively with the participation of both the specialty experts and the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research, while based on the terminology and craft research. The new specialized vocabulary was approved by the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research which was created as an addition to Viljandi Culture Academy’s Department of Estonian Native Crafts and shall be published in the electronical term databases in Estonian (Termeki; term.eki.ee).
As a result of this thesis, a considerable amount of informational term cards was made which provide information gathered about the specialized terms along with comments from specialists and the decision of the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research. Among those there are 55 approved terms, five declined proposals and 15 proposals forwarded to the extended composition of the Committee for Specialized Terms in Craft Research.
The work for arranging and further developing the specialized vocabulary will continue on the basis of the data collected for the research even after the thesis has been submitted.