LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Janno Silla loov-praktiline lõputöö seisnes Paljandi allikamaja projekteerimises ja ehitamises. Allikakoha väljaehitamisega soovis diplomand väärtustada esivanemate kultuuri, elavdada allikapärimust ning rikastada Viljandi avalikku ruumi.
Viljandi linnavalitsuse toel valminud allikamaja on kaheksatahulise põhiplaaniga rajatis. Lehisest postid ja kuusepuidust katusekonstruktsioon on ehitatud „ilma naela pistmata“ ehk siis püsib koos ainult puit-puiduga liidetel. Katusekatteks on paigaldatud ühekordne valtsplekk. Allikamaja toetub kaheksale kuumtsingitud kruvivaiale. Allikakaev on valmistatud Saaremaalt pärit dolomiidist ja kaetud tammepuust kaanega, millele on kinnitatud sepistatud kaheksakanna kujutis. Jalgrada allikale on kaetud vanade Viljandi tänavakividega, mis pärinevad Lossi tänavalt.
Peale projekteerimis- ja ehitusprotsessi talletas autor kogemuse asjaajamisest erinevate ametkondadega. Allikaprojekti teostamiseks hankis autor lisarahastust Hooandja annetuskeskkonna kaudu ning kaasas vabatahtlikke muuhulgas Teeme ära talgutel. Allikakaev on avatud avalikuks kasutuseks jalutajaile, tervisesportlastele ja teistele.
Paljandi allikamaja asub Hariduse ja Talli tänava ristmikul Viljandis.
Janno Sild
töö autor, üliõpilane
TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: rahvusliku ehituse õppekava.
SUMMARY: The current research “The Process of the Design and Construction of a Springhouse and a Captage on Paljandi Spring in Viljandi“ consists of two main parts – the first part is focusing on the nuances of the design and the second part gives an overview of the construction process. The research has been very thorough and contains many different faces.
The purpose of the work is to develop necessary drawings, get official approval and apply financial support for the project. The practical part of the work is focusing on the springhouse and captage that will be set on Paljandi spring.
The most difficult and time consuming part of the work was getting approval by different offices, and this part of the research has been the most instructive for the author because there has been no such kind of experience in the current field before.
The aforementioned two parts both contain two chapters. The first chapter talks about the nature of the spring, the history and the knowledge about springs of the inhabitants in Viljandi. The second chapter gives an overview of the general process and the wishes of the customers of how they will see the springhouse. The thirst chapter mentions all the official parts that are needed to consider and how to get the necessary approvals for such projects. In the fourth chapter the construction is under evaluation, all the calculations are made and the process of construction has been showed.
The current research could be a tremendous help for people who need to go through the same process of creating a springhouse from projecting to approvals and construction.