Ene Seppa

“OSKAR LUTSU BIBLIOGRAAFIA” (juhendaja Ilmar Vaaro).

LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Tuntuima teose „Kevade“ autor Oskar Luts oli ka viljakas näite- ja vestekirjanik, kelle elu ja loominguline tegevus vajas senisest põhjalikumat bibliografeerimist.

Lõputööna valminud „Oskar Lutsu bibliograafia“ esitab Oskar Lutsu trükis ilmunud töid (teosed, artiklid) ja kirjutisi tema elu ning loomingu kohta (kogumikud, raamatud, teatmeteosed, perioodikaväljaanded) eesti- ja võõrkeeles. Nimestiku tarvis sobivaima ülesehituse leidmiseks analüüsiti läbi varasemad Eesti personaalnimestikud 19. sajandist kuni 2000. aastateni.

Bibliograafia sisaldab 1741 kirjet ajavahemikust 1907 – 2012. Töös on kasutatud läbivat numeratsiooni ja ülesehitus on aastate lõikes kronoloogiline, välja arvatud Oskar Lutsu teosed, mis on järjestatud alfabeetiliselt. Bibliograafia kasutamist hõlbustab bibliograafiasisene linkimine. Huvipakkuva teose või info juurde saab erinevate perioodikaväljaannete linkide või DEA-, DIGAR- andmebaaside kaudu. Samuti hõlbustavad kasutamist teoste pealkirjade ning isikunimede register. Bibliograafia koostamisel töötati Oskar Lutsu Majamuuseumi, Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi, Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu, Tartu Oskar Lutsu nimelise Linnaraamatukogu, Tallinna Akadeemilise Raamatukogu ja ELNET Konsortsiumi andmekogudega.

Bibliograafia kui oluline teabeallikas teeb Oskar Lutsu tööd ja tema kohta kirjutatu kättesaadavaks kõigile kirjandushuvilistele. Uurimustöö hõlbustab materjali leidmist kirjaniku kohta ja annab võimaluse jälgida trükiarve, väljaandjaid, illustreerijaid, tõlkijaid, olulisemaid retsenseerijaid ja perioodikaväljaandeid, kuhu Oskar Luts kirjutas ning kus temast kirjutati.

Ene Seppa
lõputöö autor
TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia

LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: raamatukogunduse ja infokeskkondade õppekava.


SUMMARY: The bibliography of Oskar Luts

The literature list of Oskar Luts has so far been published twice: in 1966 „Oskar Luts: metoodilisi ja bibliograafilisi materjale raamatukogudele“ and in 1986 „Oskar Luts: kirjandusnimestik ning elu ja loomingu ülevaade“.

The list published in 1966 was in nature methodical, recommendable and foremost intended for librarian use, the list published in 1986 came out with the reference to the upcoming birthday of the author. Both lists mentioned do not cover the work of – nor writings about – Oskar Luts during 1907-1940. Accordingly the purpose of present list is to cover those years. Similarly to the list published in 1986 this one does not cover the handwritten and school book material.

While compiling present list, the author emphasized the years from 1907-1940 in bibliography as these where the most important years of the writers creative time. The list includes also the works or their excerpts published in periodicals. Thus when comparing with the list of 1986, the writings where the writers name is mentioned but do not directly reflect his life or creation were left out.

While compiling the bibliography some differences were pointed out when comparing it with the one published in 1986 and de visu comparing with Luts’ card index, those are foremost either the difference in the lack of page numbers, wrong page numbers, names, years and edition differences.

The most popular work of the writer through times is „Kevade“, which is published in 21 editions. The most successful play has been „Kapsapea“ with 10 editions, thus there are also some plays that have never been published. From children’s stories „Nukitsamees“ is most manifested, from stories „Andrese elukäik“ and from series of memories „Talvised teed“.

During 1920-1930 Oskar Luts was also a successful feuilleton writer. Most of his feuilletons and writings before 1940 were published in Postimees after that in Edasi and Sirp ja Vasar. He also gained popularity with his 13 piece series of memoires published during 1930-1941. The writer also did some translating works, mostly from Russian language. He translated the works of 7 different authors.

The most active publisher of Luts’ work has been Noor-Eesti which during 1913-1940 gave out, including the reprints, most of his creation. Some other Luts’ publishers are Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, Eesti Raamat, Ilmamaa, Olion.

The first illustrator of Luts’ work was well known caricaturist Romulus Tiitus who was also the first to illustrate „Kevade“. In the later years also Richard Kaljo, Ülo Sooster and Iivi Raudsepp followed his steps. During the independence period mostly Anneliis Aunapuu has been the one to do it. The works published in Estonian language have together been illustrated 51 times.

Luts’ work has been translated to 15 different languages, mostly to Russian with 38 times. The most popular book has been „Kevade“ being translated 13 times. The translators have mostly been Benjamin Liivak, Nora Javorskaja and Svetlana Semenenko.

During Luts’ refugee period his works were published 11 times.

The interest in the writer during his life time was very large as his work has been peer-reviewed and his private life covered greatly not only in local but also in nation-wide press. While looking his coverage in year’s comparison, year 1939 when the writer became 50 and was at the peak of his literature creativity time can easily be brought out. That was also the year when his work was most published.

The times thus have not been identical; there has been a pause in publishing Luts’ work in 13 different years, the longest of them during 1990-1993.

The issuance of works either written by Oskar Luts or about him is great, altogether 204 different publishing’s in Estonian and other languages.

The most active reviewers during 1912-1929 were Anton Jürgenstein and Bernhard Linde, during 1930s Paul Ambur, during the Soviet times Eerik Teder and in the time of independent Estonia Aivar Kull. The most reviewed works are „Pankort“ and „Tagahoovis“.

Luts wrote more than three decades and published more than 60 works- 23 narratives, 4 short stories, 2 novels, 18 plays, 13 memoirs, 4 feuilletons and additionally numerous writings in periodicals. Those together constitute a considerable literature heritage and enable those interested to follow bibliography as something from where it emerges when the author started to show in printed word, what he thought of and wrote about.

Oskar Luts is a person that has given and continues to give a reason to use ones mouth and pen.