LÜHIÜLEVAADE: Ettevõtluskeskkond on pidevas muutuses. Et ettevõtted oleks konkurentsivõimelised, peavad nad erinevaid teadmisi ja oskusi koguma, säilitama, vajadusel kiiresti ning lihtsalt leidma ja kasutama. Ettevõtted vajavad oma põhitegevuseks erinevaid andmeid ja informatsiooni – dokumente.
Väikeettevõtete dokumentide haldamisega tegelevad enamasti selleks erialast ettevalmistust mitteomavad töötajad. Väikeettevõtte juhi arvates on tal põhjalik ülevaade oma ettevõttest ning puudub vajadus mõelda töökorralduse muutmisele või asjaajamiskorra loomisele. Probleemid tekivad siis, kui juht on mingil põhjusel mõnda aega ettevõttest eemal – tema asendamine võib korrastamata dokumentatsiooni korral osutuda raskeks.
Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli koostada toidu tootmise väikeettevõtetele asjaajamiskorra näidis, dokumentide näidisloetelu ja andmebaas ettevõtte dokumentide registreerimiseks ning minimaalseks haldamiseks.
Oluline oli koostada ülalnimetatud asjaajamise ohjevahendid nii, et väikeettevõtete dokumentide haldamisega tegelevad, erialast ettevalmistust mitteomavad töötajad saaksid koostatud ohjevahendeist hõlpsalt aru, suudaksid oma ettevõttes kasutusele võtta töös koostatud dokumentide näidisloetelu ja asjaajamiskorra ning teaksid, kuidas hallata oma dokumente elektroonilise dokumentide registreerimise töövahendiga. Kasutades lõputöö autori poolt väljapakutavaid näidiseid, peaks asjaajamise korrastamine ettevõtetes olema lihtsam ja ressurssi kokkuhoidvam.
Terje Rudissaar
Lõputöö autor
Tootsteele OÜ juhataja
LÄBITUD ÕPPEKAVA: info- ja dokumendihalduse õppekava.
ESTER DSpace Dokumendiregister
SUMMARY: In the current work “Composing an example of a records management system and documents list, and creating a database for registering documents for food manufacturing small businesses” author continued the study that was first carried out in autumn 2011 which concentrated on how the administration of the organization in non-animal food producing industries in Jõgeva, Põlva, Valga and Võru counties is arranged.
The study revealed that the food manufacturing companies in Jõgeva, Põlva, Valga and Võru counties are interested and in need of a records management system and a documents list, and also a database for registering electronic documents. Small businesses are not obliged to develop such systems and policies by the government and it’s up to the manager of the company to de-cide whether to implement such systems or not.
The author has built the current work on the results of the study carried out in 2011. It showed that the managers of food manufacturing small businesses lack the knowledge of the records management for the most part; companies do not have record management systems, documents lists or registration tools for electronic documents.
The aim of the current study is to propose examples of a records management system, documents list and a database for registering documents for food manufacturing small businesses, so they could be able to register and better maintain their company documents.
The goal of current thesis is to prepare the administration and management tools so that the workers of small businesses who have no professional training could understand them easily and can use a model drawn up here as well as understand how to manage their documents with the proposed electronic document registration tool.
To meet these objectives the author analyzed the records management situation in producing industries. It showed that companies must manage their documents with the guidance by various acts and laws. It was analyzed which particular documents are needed and when, how and where they should be covered by the records management system.
To complete the indicative document lists a structural analysis was carried out. Company’s goals and actions necessary to perform its functions were determined. The result of the survey was conducting a list of indicative function based documents.
To complete the goal the company’s records management process model was examined by the author. Furthermore, different stages of document life history in a private company were ana-lyzed: by whom the documents are reviewed when coming in; how the response documents are recorded; how the documents are registered and how to associate the given information with the company management system. The use of documents, their preservation, maintenance and de-struction was analyzed. The analysis resulted with conducting the model policy for food manufacturing companies.
Register of documents for registration is based on the indicative list of documents and model policy which was created in the final thesis. For creating the database the author used MS Access database system. The registration form was created so that the whole work could be done in one window. Relying author’s longstanding experiences in private enterprise the reason for doing so is that the computer users are not familiar with the MS Access. However, the author’s intention was to do all the work so that the computer users do not have to be aware about operating the database. They could use a multi-tab form, where they could enter data, create reports and manage the documents registered.
As document management is important in small businesses, then further studies might examine whether the companies have taken these indicative documents in use or have conducted their own document registration forms and lists.